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Language Learning & Travel Packages


Babbel Travel – Lesson Nine GmbH


Berlin, Germany

  • 4 Heads of Product

  • 3 Product Managers

  • 1 User Researcher

  • 2 Product Designers

  • 4 Engineers

  • 1 UX Writer 

  • 3 Content Marketing Managers

  • 3 Sales Associates


2019 - 2020

Babbel Travel allows language learners to create curated travel packages for language schools abroad. Formerly LingoVentura, this marketplace product is not your typical trip adviser.


In Q1 of 2019, Babbel bought LingoVentura and was eager to discover how it could integrate into the language learning journey as a new revenue stream.

Strategy objective

Because LingoVentura's website only allowed customers to book through Sales requests, Babbel wanted to turn the marketplace into a self-service booking platform that customers can use to curate their own travel packages.

My Role

Senior Product Designer

  • Identify test opportunities and coordinate with UX Research and Product to finalize testing roadmap

  • Facilitate persona workshops and solution ideation sessions to increase booking flow conversions and sales requests

  • Design landing pages to increase engagement

  • Map out new information architecture of marketplace

  • Coordinate with Marketing on new brand design

What we did
I designed and facilitated workshops for the team to develop Personas based on the data collected from User Research, the Market Research agency we hired and the analytics collected from the Product Manager. 

Based on this data, our Sales and Customer Support associates were asked to create User Personas and User Journeys. Afterward, we used purchasing potential data to prioritize which user groups to focus on.
Travelling millennial
As a teenager, I want to study abroad with friends so that I can get independence from my parents while learning a new language and experiencing a new culture.
Protective benefactor
As a parent, I want my kids to learn a new language abroad so that they can have a productive summer under supervision from the language school and housing host.
Information Architecture
What we learned

By creating a UX flow of our existing information architecture, we learned that our landing pages were dead-ends. I ran a content workshop with marketing so we can brainstorm on ways to increase engagement on the SEO landing pages. 


In parallel, I also hosted a brainstorm session to increase conversion from the school details page and booking flow.


We ran A/B tests like adding a contact button to the top navigation, fixing typos to increase conversion. By adding gateways to the school details page from our SEO landing pages, we increased traffic to the school details pages.

Increased the Lead-to-Sale rate by 40% with small optimizations

Decreased the 60% drop-off in the booking flow to less than 24%

The design strategy & UX research insights were the catalyst for the improvements

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