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Mobile App UX & Brand UI Kit 


UnlockYourBrain GmbH

  • 1 CEO

  • 1 COO

  • 1 Product Manager

  • 6 App Developers


Berlin, Germany


2013 - 2015

UnlockYourBrain's language and trivia app uses machine learning with every unlock of your smartphone – unlock your potential!

In 2012, one scholar and one entrepreneur developed a prototype for an e-learning app that integrates people's desire to train their brains with the daily interaction they have with their devices.

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Strategy objective

User feedback from the Play Store and gorilla testing indicated that users wanted more from the lock screen app other than math training like language and university content.

My role

Lead Product Designer

My Responsibilities
  • Collect user feedback from the PlayStore and gorilla testing

  • Contributed to product OKRs and scrum sessions

  • Design an agnostic interface and user experience for the native app, content management system and desktop platform

  • Create brand book and defined style guidelines for product
    and marketing

  • Create brand collateral to support various marketing initiatives like conferences, trade shows etc.

  • Provided English language UX copy and proofreading for product and marketing

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What we did

The first step I did was audit the current assets from the Android app to its marketing materials to understand how we're positioning ourselves in the market.


Then I audited the mobile user experience and started prioritizing the redesign against the list of product features in the roadmap:

  1. Onboarding experience

  2. Re-engagement from weekly statistics, leaderboard

  3. Customizable content

  4. Gamification features ie. rewards, levels

  5. Web platform to manage and publish content to app

Native app learning

As a user, I want to study and see progress on multiple subjects so that I feel challenged and motivated to continue learning.

Web-based content management app

As a user, I want to test myself so that I can learn using content relevant to my exams.

What we learned

While designing the app experience, I was also designing the UX and UI for the web-based publisher platform and the company's marketing materials. According to user reviews, the skeuomorphic UI looked great and really differentiated the brand from others in the market but it was difficult to implement components that used complex patterns, gradients and iconography. 


The feedback that users gave on the PlayStore was a great resource for acceptance testing but not having a process for data collection or an analytics tool before releases disrupted how Product Management and Design prioritized user needs against the feature-focused roadmap.

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